The Martin County Cancer Patient Services met at the Loogootee Library in Loogootee, Indiana at 5:30 PM. Rheadawn Street opened with a prayer and welcomed the guests. In attendance were Rheadawn Street, Linda Knight, Shannon Wagoner, Bob Toy, Carol Williams, Kim Showalter, Debbie Guy, Paul Wade, Kenley Shaw, Tammy Salmon, Karen Jones, Rene Phillips, and Jim Force.
First order of business, President Street asked each board member to review and sign the conflict of interest statement. All board members read and signed an agreement. Secretary report was sent via email and reviewed by all members. Karen Jones made the motion to accept and Linda Knight seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0. Linda Knight presented the treasure report. Shannon Wagoner made the motion to approve and Rheadawn Street seconded the motion. It was approved 3-0.
Grant Update and Donations: It was suggested that the committee find a project in preparation for the upcoming spring grant available via Martin County Community Foundation per Rex Knight. Youth Ambassador still has a remaining balance to spend.
Patient Update and Community Outreach: Total Patients - 36 New Patients: 3 Death: 0
Birthday Blessings: Tammy Salmon delivered 3 birthday blessing bags for February with 2 upcoming in March.
Youth Ambassador: Kenley Shaw will be visiting and presenting the children living with grandparents who both have cancer this next week. Shannon Wagoner will provide the names and ages of the children to Kenley.
Volunteers: Thank you to Karen Jones for filing MCCPS taxes. We appreciate her time and effort. Several committee members have been collecting items for the upcoming online auction. Thank you so much for all the work put into making the auction successful. Rheadawn Street purchased Easter cards for the cancer patients. Kim Showalter will be sending them out to the patients.
Fundraising: Tammy Salmon and Rene Phillips have collected over 150 items for the upcoming online auction. Shannon Wagoner will be hosting the online Auction from our MCCPS Facebook page. The Auction will begin on March 29th at 9AM and end on April 3rd at 9PM. Pick up will be on April 6th from 10-12 at the Loogootee Library. Tammy Salmon read a thank you card from the Loogootee Library for participating in the Christmas Tree event. Kerns Insurance donated $50.00 to the auction; Tammy purchased a gas grill from H and H Hardware in Shoals. The owner graciously decreased the price so the purchase could be made. This is just one of many ways the community and surrounding communities are showing support for the auction. Tammy Wininger will be donating desserts and loaning trays for the Tea Party Fundraiser in memory of Penny Toy, her sister. The Tea Party committee has met and will have 10 tables set up for 10. There will be 100 tickets available for sale. Carol Williams will be passing flyers around for the online auction and the Tea Party fundraisers.
T-Shirt Update - 29 lavender and 91 gray available. No shirts were sold this past month.
Upcoming Events:
The Online Auction will start on March 29 at 9AM. Shannon Wagoner will be posting items. Tammy Salmon and Rene will be providing the pictures of donated items and information.
Spring Tea - April 27 @ 1:00 PM There will be 100 tickets for sale. The committee has been busy planning the event and menu. Loogootee Summerfest is June 22-25; no decision was made on if there will be a booth set up at that event.
New Business
Jim Force presented a list of functions and events. He suggested that the committee prepare a calendar for the year. His topics were getting the word out, fundraising, and patient support. Shannon Wagoner will prepare a calendar for review. Bob Toy made a suggestion to have a car wash in the summer months. Shannon Wagoner suggested that Beta Students might be interested in working the car wash to obtain community outreach hours.
Rheadawn Street made a motion to adjourn and Linda Knight seconded it. Meeting was adjourned at 6:38 PM. The next meeting will be held at the St. Mary’s Lower Level in Shoals, Indiana on April 2, 2024 at 5:30 PM.
Electronic Signature: Shannon Wagoner