Martin County Cancer Patient Services Meeting July 2, 2024
The Martin County Cancer Patient Services met at Loogootee Library in Loogootee, Indiana at 5:30 PM.
Rheadawn Street opened with a prayer and welcomed the guests.
In attendance were Rheadawn Street, Linda Knight, Rex Knight, Shannon Wagoner, Robin Hart, Debra Guy, Kim Showalter, Karen Jones, Andrea Deckard, Rene Phillips, Kenley Shaw, Bob Toy, and Jim Force.
The Secretary report was sent via email and reviewed by all members. Robin Hart made the motion to accept and Linda Knight seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Linda Knight presented the treasure report. Linda will make an addendum to the report in regards to the naming grants to the correct amounts. .Daviess Martin REMC Operation Round Up Grant was $1,200 and the MCCF Grant was $500; the total remains the same. Karen Jones made the motion to approve and Robin Hart seconded the motion. It was approved 5-0. Linda Knight presented additional information in regards to the Indiana Gaming Commission paperwork. The MCCPS licensure qualification process is complete. Members and the board discussed the guidelines, paperwork process, taxes, and expenses to the organization on moving forward. The discussion was tabled and will be reviewed again following the Mathais Chicken Dinner.
Rene Sipes gave an update on the gun raffle. She will be speaking to Bruce Hawkins regarding the American Legion promoting and being the venue for the drawing. The winner would take the ticket to Dave Harder’s gun shop to claim the gun.
Grant Update and Donations:
Rex Knight notified the committee that the Youth Ambassador Grant remaining amount has been spent and he will move forward with closing it out. During a meeting with Angie and Curt, Rheadawn and Robin were informed that MCCPS 'need for gas cards would be considered when applying for the IMPACCT Grant. Rex will speak with his contact at MCCF and plan on moving forward with the grant application. Without the generosity of others the MCCPS couldn’t support the cancer patients in our community. Thank you to all!
Patient Update and Community Outreach:
Total Patients - 35
New Patients: 0
Death: Domina Truelove and Frank Campbell passed away. Our condolences to their family and friends.
Birthday Blessings:
No report given
Youth Ambassador:
Kenley Shaw purchased items for the program and the grant will be closed
Shannon Wagoner gave an update from Doug Bradley. Doug has spoken with representatives from Pepsi and will be receiving 400 bottles of soda for the Hoosier Event. He has also received items to be autographed by the stars for the event. Shannon will fill out the paperwork for the Pepsi donation.
Andrea Deckard asked the committee if she could move forward with completing a Shoals High School facility usage request. Everyone was in agreement that the SHS gym would be a good venue to host the Hoosier Event.
Rex Knight suggested the board reach out to an insurance agent and price event insurance. Kim Showalter suggested Carl Austin Insurance in Nashville, IN. Kim Showalter made the suggestion to have two name drawn for the gun raffle in case the first individual did not pass a background check.
The next event will be the Catfish Festival booth and parade entry. Tammy Salmon and Kenley Shaw will be riding in the parade with MCCPS magnets displayed while throwing candy. The booth sign up was passed around. Shannon will send a text of the volunteers and timeframes. A total of $387 was earned at the Loogootee Summerfest. A very special thank you to The Rock Church for the cooler and summer items that were raffled! These individuals make it possible to support our cancer patients.
Upcoming Events:
Catfish Festival - Booth number will be given by text tomorrow and set up is on Wednesday evening. Cornhole boards and bags have been donated for raffling.
Hindostan Days - Raffle a gun, quilt, and cornhole boards/bags.
Mathias Chicken Dinner - Robin and Karen will be reaching out to local grocery stores for chicken donation soon.
Gift Bags For the Holidays - Jim Force has ordered and purchased the Christmas Bags. He asked that there be more volunteers to deliver baskets this year.
Cancer Awareness Game Scheduled - Shoals High School January 25, 2024
Thank you to the volunteers who are willing to donate their time to work these events. This makes it possible to support our patients.
The MCCPS will have a booth at the Hindostan Days and host the Mathias Chicken Dinner on 09/28/24. There is a need for volunteers at each event.
New Business
Bob Toy spoke to the committee about the sale of Penny’s personal items. Bob will be organizing and looking for a venue to have the sale. He asked that a volunteer be available if needed at the sale. He will be giving 50% of proceeds to MCCPS. Thank you Bob for your generosity!
Shannon Wagoner made a motion to adjourn and Robin Hart seconded it. Meeting was adjourned at 6:28 PM. The next meeting will be held at St Mary’s Church, Shoals, Indiana on August 6, 2024 at 5:30 PM.
Electronic Signature: Shannon Wagoner