07 May

Martin County Cancer Patient Services Meeting April 2, 2024

The Martin County Cancer Patient Services met at the St Mary’s Church Lower Level Shoals, Indiana at 5:30 PM.Rheadawn Street opened with a prayer and welcomed the guests.

In attendance were Rheadawn Street, Linda Knight, Shannon Wagoner, Robin Hart, Carol Williams, Kim Showalter, Debbie Guy, Kenley Shaw, Tammy Salmon, Karen Jones, Rene Phillips, Bill Cole, Penny Cole, and Jim Force.

The Secretary report was sent via email and reviewed by all members. Karen Jones made the motion to accept and Linda Knight seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Linda Knight presented the treasure report. Shannon Wagoner made the motion to approve and Robin Hart seconded the motion. It was approved 5-0.

Grant Update and Donations:

Rex Knight notified the committee that the Youth Ambassador Grant is still open. He explained that once the money was spent; the grant would close and he would write on another one.   Hugs4U2 which is used for medical supplies will be in the July grant rotation.   Operation Round Up Grant is available at the end of May.

Compassionate Hands owned by Audrey Burgess will be donating all her BBQ profits to MCCPS from an upcoming event at Boggs Park, April 27th.

St Vincent de Paul board met with our board members regarding our mission. They donated $2,500 to MCCPS.
Without the generosity of others the MCCPS couldn’t support the cancer patients in our community. Thank you to all!

Patient Update and Community Outreach:

Total Patients - 37

New Patients: 1 

Death: 0

Birthday Blessings:

Tammy Salmon delivered birthday blessing bags for March with 3 upcoming in April.

Youth Ambassador:

Kenley Shaw ordered books by an author who survived cancer and had kept a journal. Let’s Go Be Brave books will be given to children impacted by cancer in our community.


Shannon Wagoner will be purchasing Thinking of You cards for Carol Williams to send out. A big thank you to Carol for donating her time and sending out cards to patients.


The online MCCPS Online Auction was a huge success! The total funds collected were $14, 594 from the items sold and donations. Tammy Salmon, Shannon Wagoner and Rene Phillips will be sending out thank you cards to the generous businesses that donated items. Robin Hart gave an update on the upcoming Tea Party. There are tickets left to sell. There will be door prizes, fashion show, vendors set up, a special singer, food, and tea provided all by donations. The community is blessed by those who have donated!

T-Shirt Update - 25 lavender and 90 gray available. Sold: 4 lavender and 1 gray.

Upcoming Events:

Spring Tea - April 27 @ 1:00 PM There are 22 tickets left for sale. Robin Hart gave an update on the upcoming Spring Tea Party. There are tickets left to sell. There will be door prizes, fashion show, vendors set up, a special singer, food, and tea provided all by donations. The community is blessed by those who have donated!

Discussion was held regarding having booths at the Catfish Festival and Loogootee Summerfest. Majority of the members felt there wasn’t a need for booths this year. The lack of volunteers due to the heat was a concern regarding the Catfish Festival. Tammy Salmon, Larry Salmon, and Kenley Shaw will be driving in the Catfish parade and anyone interested can walk along beside their display for MCCPS. There will not be a booth at the Loogootee Summerfest this year. There was discussion and concern regarding the booth rental and not making enough on t-shirts/bracelets to cover the cost.

The MCCPS will have a booth at the Hindostan Days and host the Mathias Chicken Dinner on 09/28/24. There is a need for volunteers at each event.

Kim Showalter brought the idea of a 50/50 draw being held at events. Linda Knight will check the Indiana law requirements and report back at the next meeting.

New Business

Jim Force presented a large desk calendar to write upcoming events and sign up to volunteer at these events. His preference is a calendar to write on and not an electronic one printed. Shannon will purchase a 8x11 calendar agenda book for the upcoming year. Mr. Force also presented a proposal for the Thanksgiving and Christmas Basket along with an estimated cost of items. In his patient support list: there was mention of perhaps an Easter Basket for next year. He will lead the Christmas Basket and is asking for others to lead the Thanksgiving Basket project.

Shannon Wagoner and other members discussed the need for an electronic payment option for when items are purchased and donations made via cards. Shannon will gain more information regarding the Square Kiosk and bring information to the next meeting.

Rheadawn Street made a motion to adjourn and Linda Knight seconded it. Meeting was adjourned at 6:55 PM. The next meeting will be held at the Loogootee Library l in Loogootee, Indiana on May 7, 2024 at 5:30 PM.

Electronic Signature: Shannon Wagoner

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